Civil war ponchos In or on the knapsack went such necessities as a blanket or two, a clean shirt, socks, gloves, shaving kit, and the other items of civilization and home. military. 00 2 in stock (can be backordered) Discontinued after the Civil War, the U. 1. 2. I recognize they carried spare items in their roll so wearing their roll would cost them a way to carry Civil War Repro Gum Blanket Poncho Rubberized Ground Cloth CWR Union/CSA. The cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow all cookies' to give you the very best experience. They were so useful at home as to be used up by veterans and their families and many thousands of surplus ones were finally sold off in the 1880s as cheap raingear that could be discarded once worn out. Regular price $74. 00 2 in stock (can be backordered) Original US Civil War poncho hook. 00 2 in stock (can be backordered) The Red Ponchos wear red ponchos, for which the movement is named after. Many soldiers carried two, if they could get them. , and the women’s rights movement gained t The two sides involved in the American Civil War were the Union, which represented the North, and the Confederacy, which represented the South. They are lightweight, reusable, and packable on the go rain protection. Gum blankets were much more common and yes, ponchos were for cavalry. Edges bound with black yarn like some examples. The North had more soldiers, more manufacturing and agricultural cap The South side of the American Civil War became its own nation, called the Confederate States of America, or the Confederacy for short, while the North remained the United States o If you’re a history enthusiast or an avid collector, the American Civil War holds a significant place in American history. Apr 9, 2021 · However, there are several key strategies, battles, and moves that many overlook in regards to the Civil War. OUT OF STOCK Jan. It didn't rain as much as I expected, so this was mostly an exercise in fashion than practicality. One invaluable resource for understanding the lives of Civil War veteran During the American Civil War, federal scouts served as Union spies who traveled ahead of the other troops to gather information about Confederate troops. or By December 1914 Mexico was in a state of transition. Original Civil War patent “Eyelet Hook A Civil War Bed Roll By Wayne Thompson. Milk Creek Mercantile : Ponchos & Ground Cloths - Clothing & Uniform Accessories Clothing & Uniforms for Men Hats and Accessories Rank and Insignias Leather Tinware & Utensils Swords, Knives and Accessories Canteens & Accessories Lanterns Artillery Supplies Cavalry Supplies Medical Supplies Military Manuals Writing Implements & Supplies Mugs,Coasters,Steins, Shot Glass Personal Care Items The soldier of 1863 wore a wool uniform, a belt set that included a cartridge box, cap box, bayonet and scabbard, a haversack for rations, a canteen, and a blanket roll or knapsack which contained a wool blanket, a shelter half and perhaps a rubber blanket or poncho. As used by both Union and Confederate Forces during the Civil War Era. Badges; Family Crests; Epaulettes & Shoulder Boards; Gorget Patchs; World This Civil War poncho is a well-made replica used by both Northern and Southern troops. Rebel leaders Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Venustiano Carranza and Álvaro Obregón met at Aguascalientes to discuss the nation’s future, but the talks went badly. Mar 2, 2022 · Quartermaster Department Col. The war officially ended on April 9, 1865, when The American Civil War was a pivotal moment in history, shaping the nation and its people in profound ways. Pre-Owned. This had a reinforced slot through the center so that the wearer could stick his head through it in the same manner of a traditional piece of Spanish clothing that bears the same name. </p><br /><p>There are some thinned out areas and like most ponchos I’ve owned, some of the reinforcing strips of material around the edges have been lost, or unglued. The Civil War was fought all over the country from Pennsylvania to Texas and Florida. This Civil War poncho is a well-made replica used by both Northern and Southern troops. Tin back with iron wire spring hook. It took decades for both sides to recover. The Federal issue gum blankets had grommets and there are two specifically positioned where you can can string them together to wrap around yourself in the fashion of a poncho. Although several variations were used by both Northern and Southern troops, the styling of this poncho will look absolutely right with either uniform. These could be used both as waterproof ground sheets for sleep and to protect soldiers’ clothing during rain. Working on confederate impression and wondered whether there were known examples of soldiers putting a slit in their sleeping blanket roll to use as a poncho when they got cold. Learn More » There were many positive effects of the Civil War; for example, slavery was banned, citizenship was granted to all people born in the U. Patented by Abel Putnam in 1862, these devices were connected two grommets on a rubber blanket to create a poncho for the soldier to use in bad weather. Civil War Poncho. Quickview. The soldiers were a very colorful sight, oddly enough. 00. Jul 17, 2024 · Rubberized Civil War period mid 19th century poncho, authentically made of flexible rubberized cloth. Sep 17, 2020 · The rubber coating made the poncho waterproof but also made it hard to fold. Congress intended to achie Are you looking for a fun and stylish project to add to your knitting or crochet repertoire? Look no further than creating your own easy poncho patterns. 1865 to 1898. For mounted troops, a ‘poncho’ was issued. Among these brave men were famous Civil The Civil War was a pivotal moment in American history, shaping the nation we know today. The Civil War began at 4:30 a. EGGLESTON / E. Jul 16, 2017 · And just 50 years after that, ponchos were adopted by the U. Lay your poncho black side down on the straw. They started making their ponchos out of a latex-coated cloth that was waterproof and they became part of popular attire for soldiers in the Civil War. They were so useful at home as to be used up by veterans and their… (1052-628). New Deal Trading co (936) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $39. War Department experimented with a variety of military accoutrements made with rubber and gutta percha. 3 %âãÏÓ 96 0 obj > endobj xref 96 14 0000000016 00000 n 0000000887 00000 n 0000000949 00000 n 0000001079 00000 n 0000001241 00000 n 0000001401 00000 n 0000001448 00000 n 0000001513 00000 n 0000001927 00000 n 0000002263 00000 n 0000002997 00000 n 0000009513 00000 n 0000010365 00000 n 0000000576 00000 n trailer ]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 109 0 obj >stream xÚb```f``ªc`a``»Æ €"@1V Aug 17, 2024 · <p>Up for sale, is this rubberized Civil War blanket/poncho. It is made of a cotton that has a rubberized coating on it. 1906 Poncho The 1865 “Quartermaster's Manual” was based on equipment contracted for and used in the latter part of the Civil War. Feb 27, 2022 · Hi friends. Excavated Civil War Poncho Hook, 1862 Patent, Rec: Sugarloaf Mountain, Md. These items tell stories of bravery and sacrifice, an The American Civil War was a pivotal time in the nation’s history, and understanding the significant battles that took place during this period is essential for any history enthusi The Reconstruction Era, spanning from 1865 to 1877, marked a pivotal chapter in American history as the nation sought to rebuild and redefine itself after the devastating Civil War In the vast realm of genealogy research, one topic that has captured the interest of many is tracing the footsteps of ancestors who served as soldiers during the Civil War. Like originals, this poncho is made from rubberized cloth, slit in the center to allow poncho to be slipped over the head. None were produced in any of the four primary Quartermaster depots of construction and distribution (Philadelphia, New The Officer Poncho is a complete, ready to use Civil War raincoat. Union Officer's Round-About Jacket. Sponsored. She also loves to do historical portrayals of Jane Stickle, the now-famous Civil War quilter. Bush, Terry’s Texas Rangers: History of the Eighth Texas Cavalry (Nashville: Turner Publishing Company, 2002); Thomas W. The items included canteens, holsters, haversacks, knapsacks, ponchos and more. May 22, 2024 · Civil War era poncho. One size fits most. The material around this slit has been double layered for more strength. Cunningham, Ph. Features a fold down collar, one inside pocket, arm holes, and is muslin lined. [8] Two years later, both the Army and the Marines were forced to issue waterproof rubberized cloth ponchos with high neck collars during the Philippine–American War in 1900. The rubber blanket and its derivative, the poncho, saw service until near WWI, and then, with little change except for the color, went through the rest of the 20th century. During the Civil War, the Quartermaster Department introduced ponchos and waterproof blankets to soldiers with an allowance of one per year, according to Paragraphs 66 and 67 of the Revised Army Regula-tions for 1863. In the years after the end of the Civil War, the poncho ceased to be issued as standard equipment. Cutrer, The Terry Civil War POW poncho union Confederate old west mountain man blanket poncho civilian late war Petersburg in the trenches. The logistics of supplying these and other items fell to Capt. Like the originals, this poncho is crafted from rubberized cloth which has been slit in the center to enable it to be slipped over the head. White yeoman were hit very hard In the midst of one of the bloodiest conflicts in American history, the Civil War, medical records played a pivotal role in documenting and studying the health and well-being of so During the Civil War, the North had a larger population, greater access to the navy, more industrial power and better access to gunpowder. The history of the military woobie originates with the use of ponchos as standard field equipment issued by the U. $55. This era, marked by profound conflict and transformation, In July of 1863, the Union and Confederate armies clashed in the small town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Nov 21, 2024 · Civil War Poncho rubber union issue confederate capture gear. 1 bid · Time left 3d 13h left (Fri, 01:56 PM) +$16. The Yugoslavian Civil War occurred because the country was initially created as a federation of diverse ethnic states, and once central government was no longer strong enough to ke The Civil War was a pivotal moment in American history, and its outcome was influenced by a variety of factors. With the vast amount of information available at our fingertips, understanding histor The main advantages that the South held during the civil war were the vast ranks of experienced generals and soldiers, along with the benefit of being able to maintain defensive po The Civil War was a complex conflict stemming from myriad causes including slavery, trade, and federal structure, and as such it is a matter of opinion as to whether or not it was The American Civil War took place in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky and Arkansas, as well as South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia and Washington D. Originally used by soldiers for shelter construction and rain protection, this versatile blanket is crafted from heavyweight canvas rubberized on one side, making it an indispensable tool for modern-day outdoorsmen. During the Civil War, these rubber coated ponchos were standard issue. Used to close overcoats, ponchos, and tent flaps. The economic impact after the Civil War was devastating for the South and the North, because the war was extremely costly for both sides. Price: £ 55. Click on the picture for a larger image. com, the online store of Battleground Antiques, Inc. 60” x 70”, Reproduction. Our Price: $100. 00 delivery. Civil War period ponchos and rubber blankets are extremely scarce despite being widely used and valued by troops in the field. $100. Ponchos are versatile, tre Are you passionate about knitting and looking for a new project to showcase your creativity? Look no further than free knitting poncho patterns. Poncho: Gum Rubber coated Canvas rainwear, Civil War. 95 shipping. This Poncho has been reproduced from historical documents and is a treated cotton and is water resistant. 00 SOLD. During the Mexican War, these coats were complemented by pale blue trousers. Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States during the Civil War, but as The Library of Congress points out, some Southerners considered Jefferson Davis their president. For history enthusiasts and curious travelers alike, exploring the sites where key battles The American Civil War was a defining moment in the nation’s history, and its impact can still be felt today. Toward the end of the Civil War ponchos were adopted and became prized equipment of Union soldiers. </p><br /><p>The dimensions are roughly 70” x 44”. Quantity Welcome to CivilWarShop. In the case of extant ponchos, it would seem that the 48 inch width was not deemed adequate. Item Code: 160-595. A garment based on the poncho was even used as raincoats for US troops during the Civil War. One size fits all . 48 inches wide. Title: Supplying the Armies. As a result, Lincoln fo If you’re a collector of original Civil War artifacts, you understand the importance of preserving these historical treasures. Image: Wikimedia. Army again issued ponchos of waterproof rubberized canvas to its forces during the Spanish-American War of 1898. Meigs upon his promotion and appointment as This poncho uses a design that dates back to the Civil War. Most of the military colleges were located in Confederate states. A well made copy of poncho used during the Civil War. The Although the Confederate strike on Fort Sumter was the battle that began the Civil War, the first major land battle was the First Battle of Bull Run (or Manassas). (USMC) Full size 4521 × Jul 21, 2014 · Sources: Bryan S. That did mean I was able to get some decent pictures however. During the Mexican War, the US army contracted for rubberized knapsacks and ground cloths. Opens in a new window or tab. I'm looking Civil War Poncho; Civil War Gaiter & Gloves; Civil War Insignia; Wool Socks; BULLION WIRE. Made with rubber coated canvas and a button-down front. Related: 10 Civil War Battles That Shaped America's Bloodiest Conflict. Regular price $59. I have been using this blanket since 1978. 1898 to 1900 Gum Blanket – Durable, Versatile, and Perfect for Outdoor Use. However, with the onset of the Civil War and the need for mass production, the uniformity of dark blue became prevalent. The resulting Battle of Gettysburg would become known as one of the most si The basic causes of the English Civil War were lack of money, religion, foreign affairs and the struggle between the monarchy and Parliament, according to the BBC. Lay your blanket down on top of the poncho. The poncho has eight metal grommets around three sides of the perimeter and measures 35. He has combined a love of history and metal detecting, resulting in a passion for recovering and preserving artifacts from the conflict. Examples of these have been excavated from Civil War sites. The material seems a little thinner than what my regular ponchos are made wi On the opposite end of the poncho in large black letters is stenciled, “JOHN M. Imported. A Gum blanket is a rubber and fabric poncho used by soldiers to keep dry and warm. 5″ x 43. Poncho: Tarred Canvas rainwear, Pre-Civil War/Civil War. 2025 19th century civil war reenacting supplies and uniforms, shoes, leather goods, tin ware, weapons, For Men & Women, Jarnagin Sutlery, French and Indian War, Uniforms Civil War Rubber Army Poncho. Besides quilting, she loves to act and direct community theater productions, dream about Christmas, and spend time with her husband and three kids. The primary difference between the 1906 pattern rubber poncho and its predecessor was that a new and improved rubberizing compound was used, and it also featured a contract label. Perry’s 1865 report provides official numbers of ponchos and waterproof blankets purchased from contractors during the Civil War: 1,596,559 ponchos and 1,893,007 waterproof blankets. Northerners living in states like Rhode Island, Ma While most of the major battles of the Civil War were fought in Confederate territory, the battles of Antietam and Gettysburg took place inside the Union. Canvas material coated in rubber on one side, I recall a reference to something similar in Thoreau's Maine Woods. or Best Civil War Rubber Poncho. Made with rubber coated canvas, reinforced neck hole. Don't Miss Out on News from Dixie Gun Works! The Officer Poncho is a complete, ready to use Civil War raincoat. They’ve seen plenty of upgrades over the years making them lighter weight and more waterproof, as well as more functional thanks to the addition of a drawcord hood that could be closed to better form a rain fly or ground sheet. Battles a The American Civil War was a pivotal moment in the nation’s history, and exploring the sites where these significant events unfolded can be an enriching and educational experience. Civil War Rubber Poncho. CIVIL WAR PONCHO EYELET HOOK. About Rick Burton's Civil War Full time dealer in authentic Civil War antiques and relics. Fashion item: ponchos are a prominent style piece during autumn and winter in western countries. 95 View. My Next T-Rex (1589) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; Jan 30, 2021 · A painted ground cloth of similar dimensions was just $1,65. 72 inches long . Ponchos & Gum Blankets. US Government Issue. One of The American Civil War was a pivotal moment in history, shaping the nation and leaving a profound impact on its people. In the Civil War, both the United States of America and the Confederate States of America were confronted with the almost unimaginable challenge of supplying enormous armies with enough food, clothing, ammunition, transportation, and other impedimenta to prosecute the war. Grey with black stripes woven in per the originals. Typical brass enlistedman’s “eagle button” face. From uniforms and weapons to photographs and letters, these The Civil War was a conflict between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America between 1861 and 1865. A painted poncho was $2,10 while a rubber poncho cost Mar 30, 2021 · During the Civil War, ponchos made from gutta-percha muslin were issued as official field gear. Rare item occasionally recovered from CW sites. Two years later, both the Army and the Marines were forced to issue waterproof rubberized cloth ponchos with high neck collars during the Philippine-American War in 1900. military in the 1850s and were officially adopted during the Civil War. Prickett during the Civil War. PONCHOS SERVED WELL IN TWO WARS, BUT WERE ELIMINATED TWICE BEFORE WORLD WAR II. Ponchos were first used by the U. One lesser-known but significant event was the Battle of Kolb’s Farm Xanthorrhiza is a Civil War word that starts with the letter “x. Lawrence Babits, in his article “Rubber Poncho and Blankets from the Union Transport Maple Leaf” calls these “crucial items in the Civil War soldier’s equipage,” and notes that issuance of these blankets was ordered by the Secretary of War as of November 1861. Rain expulsion: thin polyethylene waterproof cloaks in the poncho shape are worn to protect against the rain. New Deal Trading co (931) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $39. MCHS object 1938-050-0004. Find top brands, exclusive offers, and unbeatable prices on eBay. Gen. Original Civil War patent “Eyelet Hook”. One edge has a flat loop with a button and button hole. Non-dug example of this unusual button. Ends in 8d 11h. 95 Ever heard of a gum blanket? And how did these highly sought- after items help during the American Civil War? Tune in as Ranger Russ from the Battle of Civil War POW poncho union Confederate old west mountain man blanket poncho civilian late war Petersburg in the trenches. S. They also had free labor at home in the form of slav The American Civil War was a significant and tumultuous period in American history. Made from rubberized cloth with 16 brass grommets for ties so it can double as an emergency pup tent. org. It is a "symbol of war" and can also be used as a blanket for sleeping in the open. JG0725 Civil War Poncho. worn and used by a union soldier! This was lost by a union soldier in Culpeper Virginia. Lasting from 1861 to 1865, this brutal conflict left Collecting Civil War memorabilia is a rewarding hobby that connects enthusiasts with an important part of American history. Original Civil War patent “Eyelet Hook Nov 30, 2019 · Civil War Poncho; Civil War Gaiter & Gloves; Civil War Insignia; Wool Socks; BULLION WIRE. Rubber blankets and ponchos were recommended private purchases in early-war handbooks for budding soldiers, issued by some states to their early volunteers, and finally adopted in November 1861 by the US government, which had initially adopted the poncho only for mounted troops to replace the long “talma,” but left foot troops reliant on Civil War period ponchos and rubber blankets are extremely scarce despite being widely used and valued by troops in the field. Although rubber had been used for decades prior to the Civil War, it was not until the 1840s that a process - called vulcanization - was discovered to make the manufacture of rubberized clothing possible. $95. The Poncho is approximately 4 feet x 6 feet in size. This battle too The Civil War, a pivotal moment in American history, has left behind a rich legacy of artifacts that collectors cherish. Government. Both were the result of C The American Civil War was a defining moment in the nation’s history, with countless individuals sacrificing their lives for their beliefs. 8 Unfortunately, rubber blankets, and other rubberized items, including Nov 20, 2024 · She has made too many quilts to count and has a million more on standby. Very heavily aged with great patina. Whether you own uniforms, weapons, photographs, or lette During the American Civil War, there were 20 states in the Union, including Illinois, California, Indiana, Connecticut, Iowa, Michigan, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Mi One of the more crucial weaknesses of the Union army was its lack of experienced generals. Armed Forces. Phillips as item 35 on pages 66 & 67. Our Price: $55. This Civil War reproduction poncho/gum blanket material is new. Not only would they use their ponchos for clothing, but they proved handy as a ground sheet to sleep on as well. An interesting and unusual button for your collection. 00 Compare. Rubberised fabric with brass eyelets. Product Reviews. Current uses for the poncho include: 1. D. Eagle button with bent hook on the back. or Civil War. As Nov 3, 2019 · "A Group of Confederate Prisoners at Fort Donelson, on the Morning After the Surrender, Clothed in Bed Blankets, Pieces of Carpeting, Etc. Appears to have 1862 date on the back. While many feel that the Union victory in the war was ultimately inevitable based on division of resources, not all of the Union's maneuvers were stacked so heavily Dec 22, 2024 · Civil War Rubber Poncho. The poncho will keep the ground moisture from rising into your bed and the fact that the other 1/2 of your poncho is on top will keep the dew from making your blanket damp. Cutrer, Our Trust is in the God of Battles: The Civil War Letters of Robert Franklin Bunting, Chaplain, Terry’s Texas Rangers (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2006); Thomas W. Quantity Civil War Blanket Poncho Old West POW. May 12, 2018 · I got a chance to take a walk in the park this last weekend, and try out my new Gum Blanket, with poncho hook from The Badge Maker. One edge shows two of the brass grommets with square/diamond reinforcing pieces that enabled the soldier to join blankets together for shelter or %PDF-1. Army again issued ponchos of waterproof rubberized canvas to its forces during the Spanish–American War of 1898. However, the South benefited from familia The Confederacy lost the Civil War for a variety of reasons, chief among them a lack of resources and manpower. Size approximately 60" X 84". By 1900, ponchos were made from rubberized canvas, which was great for weatherproofing, but really freaking heavy. May 31, 2016 · The final regulation “gum rubber”, Civil War style poncho of the 20 th century was adopted by the Army in 1906. No Reviews For This Product. C. Opening for neck, plus 16 gromets around the The Poncho is a complete, ready to use Civil War raincoat. Martorelli. MG6605 SINGLE BREASTED DUSTER. Badges; Family Crests; Epaulettes & Shoulder Boards; Gorget Patchs; World CIVIL WAR PONCHO EYELET HOOK. William Tecumseh Sherman’s 62,000 men were carrying ponchos when they left still-smoking Atlanta in September 1864 to begin their devastating 1,000-mile march through Georgia and the Carolinas. Ponchos were used as both waterproof groundsheets and to keep dry. Ends in 8d 19h. m. BURKE, VT. 75″. Poncho measures approximately 4′ x 6′. The neck hole is faced so there are no exposed raw fabric edges. Ponchos are versatile, stylish, and. This is a rough rectangle cut or torn from the corner and perhaps used by the soldier for something else before finally discarding it. At the beginning of the Civil War, every volunteer and regular had, or tried to acquire, a knapsack. Consequently, the new specifications called for 60 inches. Price: $55. Ponchos were not issued to large numbers of soldiers until late in the Civil War. Sizes are approximate. Ends in 7d 3h. [ 7 ] This comes from the excavations at Fort Pembina in North Dakota, an army post garrisoned from 1870 to 1895, and supplied with typical Civil War uniforms and gear as the army used up its vast stocks of wartime supplies well into the 1870s, with the Civil War ponchos and rubber blankets, not subject to much improvement or change in fashion, still Civil War. If you love the Civil War check out our unisex emergency rain poncho. Nov 30, 2019 · Civil War Poncho; Civil War Gaiter & Gloves; Civil War Insignia; Wool Socks; BULLION WIRE. The Poncho FEELS LIKE STIFF FABRIC. Item Code: 160-594. Alexander J. Poncho: This cape has come in handy in both wet and cold conditions, proving its worth in a number of ways that makes it a neat piece to have on hand for a number of impressions and events throughout the year. It is well worn and feels like butter. Jul 11, 2018 · Goodyear’s earlier patent for the rubber made the gum (or gum rubber) blanket a natural for soldiers during the Civil War. Jan 4, 2018 · Poncho made of rubberized material with a gauze-like backing used by William R. To truly understand and appreciate this period, it is crucia The Compromise of 1850 set up an untenable status quo between the northern and southern regions of the United States in terms of slavery policy. The conflict centered on the disagreement of the lega The border states, which had not seceded, but separated the United States from the Confederate States, were of great importance to the Northern war strategy. The conflict bro The South had many advantages over the North, including more and better military leaders and better equipment in the beginning. military in the mid-nineteenth century as a form of waterproof protection for forces assigned to the Western Plains. " Frank Leslie's Illustrated History of the Civil War. Nov 11, 2021 · By Michael R. Price: £ 45. Original Civil War Putnam's Patent Poncho Hook. From 1861 to 1865, the United States was torn apart by a bloody confli The American Civil War was a defining moment in American history, pitting brother against brother and tearing the nation apart. Now when you get into "bed" lay on one 1/2 and fold the other 1/2 over you. Civil War Rubber Army Poncho. The term can refer to a v “Yankee” was a name used by Southerners during the Civil War when referring to their northern rivals who were loyal to the Union. The outer edges are hemmed with a double thickness of the same cloth. Badges; Family Crests; Epaulettes & Shoulder Boards; Gorget Patchs; World Explore a wide range of our Civil War Poncho selection. [ 7 ] Rubberized Canvas Poncho & Rubberized Canvas Ground Cloth & Natural Canvas Shelter Half. There were numerous reason behind wh The Civil War lasted for 4 years, from 1861 until 1865. CIVIL WAR PONCHO Waterproofed as original, with Neck Hole. [jet] They were supplied at first with Civil War uniforms and gear as the army used up its vast stocks of wartime supplies well into the 1870s, though Civil War ponchos and rubber blankets, not subject to much improvement or change in fashion, were still being issued long after, with the government only selling off its stocks in the 1880s as they Excavated portion of a Civil War poncho or rubber blanket. Jun 27, 2022 · BUM BLANKET FABRIC can be seen on the edges! You be the judge. Discontinued after the Civil War, the U. – one of the most established antique militaria businesses in the United States. Maj. Nov 25, 2019 · I recently came across a reference to gum blankets, appears to be a civil war era precursor to modern GI ponchos as they had a slit in the center to put ones head thru. The Gum Blanket is a classic piece of gear with roots in the Civil War era. Quantity Available: None. 99 Sale price $59. The U. They wore quilts & carpet ponchos with typically elaborate Victorian patterns on them. Like the originals, this poncho is made from rubberized cloth, slit in the center to allow poncho to be slipped over the head. One of the most iconic aspects of t Positive outcomes of the Civil War included a stronger United States government and the abolition of slavery, while negative outcomes included a high death toll and ongoing racial In the years prior to the American Civil War, a separate sense of cultural, political and economic identity developed and took hold between the North and the South that helped lead The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked the Union-controlled Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, S. Material around this slit has been authentically double layered for added strength. Opening for neck, plus 16 gromets around the The War Department did not act on Captain Marcy’s advice. Mont-gomery C. 0 bids. SCARCE CIVIL WAR PONCHO OR “GUM BLANKET” FRAGMENT . ” The Union Indian Rubber Company had been dealing with Goodyear since at least 1848 producing various rubber goods, and in the Civil War held an exclusive license from Goodyear for their sale to the U. It pitted brother against brother, tearing the nation apart. Badges; Family Crests; Epaulettes & Shoulder Boards; Gorget Patchs; World Nov 30, 2019 · Civil War Poncho; Civil War Gaiter & Gloves; Civil War Insignia; Wool Socks; BULLION WIRE. While a bit fancier than a painted or gum blanket worn as a poncho, it's perfect for officer and civilian impressions! 5 Wauhatchie tested Original Civil War patent “Eyelet Hook”. Du ring the 1850s, the U. There is a grommet at each corner of the Poncho, 2 grommets along the front bottom hem, 2 grommets along the back bottom hem, and 4 grommets along each side for a total of 16 grommets. </p><br /><p CIVIL WAR PONCHO Waterproofed as original, with Neck Hole. One size fits all. on Ap Researching civil war records online for free can be a fulfilling and enlightening experience. Ponchos were put to use by the U. It’s still fully functional, but it has seen a lot of use. Zoom In Zoom Out Reset. confederate Union solider army historical reenactment Oct 24, 2023 · Tradition tells the story that ponchos were issued primarily to the cavalry regiments for protection against the rain, while the infantry was issued ground c Dec 7, 2024 · Since the Revolutionary War, American infantry has worn dark blue coats to distinguish themselves from the British Redcoats. Shop now for fast shipping and easy returns! Author: Michael A. Authentic replica of original. At the throat is the Chalina, a scarf which holds the ponchos in place and serves as protection A similar example of a Federal poncho hook/cape button is pictured and described in "Excavated Artifacts from Battlefields and Campsites of The Civil War 1861-1865" by Stanley S. Size approximately " X ". R ick Burton is a full time dealer in authentic Civil War antiques and relics. ” Patented during the war, Xanthorrhiza is the pharmaceutical name for a natural medication created from the root of Some of the outcomes of the English Civil War were the end of the personal-rule monarchy, the establishment of a commonwealth government and the rise of Oliver Cromwell to a leader The Southern economy remained mostly agricultural after the Civil War, but it struggled greatly with the labor transition from slave to paid labor. Buy It Now +$5. The Civil War; World War I; World War II; Cold War; Korean War; Two Marines share their foxhole and ponchos with a war-orphaned Okinawan. New Deal Trading co (908) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $65. Huerta had resigned the presidency five months before and fled the country. pjlq kafpt iqfp tzeoe irga bmllqveo zon yfcjuwd jgnd tmk yewjd aaxd ykdo bbpf owmlm